Welcome from the Chair
I would like to welcome you to the Department of History at UC Riverside. With nearly thirty full-time faculty members, the department teaches thousands of undergraduate students each year; trains graduate students in a variety of fields; and produces leading scholarship on the world’s past. Our faculty are engaged in doing history in all of its forms from writing books and articles, to creating public history projects, to designing and implementing digital and visual history projects, to the creation of new historical archives and pedagogies. The work of the department is supported by a skilled and welcoming staff, who advise students and manage many aspects of the daily work of the department.
Come and visit us! In exploring the past, we strive to make meaningful the present.
Professor Steven Hackel, Department Chair
Upcoming Events
Department Statement
The History Department recognizes the history of racism and violence in our community directed especially at Black people and other people of color, and recognizes the bravery of UCR students in addressing our faculty. In support of our students and communities and our need to look inward, the History Department is taking time to engage in a process of reflection and change. The Department will post an action plan with concrete steps.