Graduate Advising
The History Department provides two levels of formal advising for graduate Students: The departmental Graduate Advisor and individual Faculty Advisor.
Graduate Advisor
The Graduate Advisor works with the Student Affairs Officer to oversee student progress towards degree completion. The Graduate Advisor is also the Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee.
Faculty Advisor
Each student will choose to work in close cooperation with a Faculty Advisor. This faculty member works with the student at every step and is responsible for examining the student's progress. The Faculty Advisor will also be Chair of oral examination committees (with the exception of the Public History Master’s exam committee, which might be differently configured), and will chair the dissertation committee for Ph.D. students.
Students may change advisors if appropriate, with the consent of the new Faculty Advisor, and approval of the Graduate Advisor.
The Faculty Advisor is one of many intellectual mentors that our graduate students work with, discuss themes and problems of interest, and contribute to the intellectual dimension of graduate education.