Leandro Lichtmajer
Leandro Lichtmajer
Fulbright Visiting Scholar, 2020
Ph.D. National University of Tucuman (Argentina), 2012
Argentina; Political parties - Social history of politics - Local history
Argentina social and political history, 20th Century - Politics and Elections in the northwestern region of Argentina - Theories and Methods in Local History
I am the author of two books and the editor of three others. I have also published a number of journal articles and books chapters. I have held post-doctoral fellowships from the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (Argentina) and the Fulbright Comission. I was a visiting fellow at the University of Salamanca (Spain) and the University of São Paulo (Brazil). I have directed a research project from the National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion (Argentina).
I have begun a new research project entitled "The connections with Perón in exile: organizations, leadership and forms of protest in the northwestern region of Argentina (1955 – 1972)". I hope to contribute to a greater understanding of the course of Peronism, a major agent in the socio-political dynamics of Argentina even today, and favour a more in-depth and complex reconstruction of the regional peculiarities in the cycle of institutional instability and political violence which characterized Argentina during the proscription of Peronism.
Books (as author)
Derrota y reconstrucción. El radicalismo tucumano frente al peronismo, 1943- 1955 / Defeat and reconstruction: Radicalism in Tucumán opposed to Peronism, 1943-1955. Caseros: Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (2016).
Entre los cañaverales. La irrupción del peronismo en Tucumán, 1944-1955/ Between the sugar cane fields. The irruption of Peronism in Tucumán, 1944-1955. Buenos Aires: Editorial de la Universidad de Mar del Plata-Grupo Editor Universitario (2019). Co-authors: Florencia Gutiérrez y Lucía Santos Lepera.
Books (as editor)
Lo local en debate. Abordajes desde la historia social, política y los estudios de género (Argentina, 1900-1960)/The local in debate. Approaches from social, political history and gender studies (Argentina, 1900-1960). Buenos Aires: Teseo (2019). Edited with Andrea Andújar.
La política: de las facciones a los partidos / Politics: from factions to parties. Buenos Aires: Ente Provincial Bicentenario de Tucumán 2016-Imago Mundi (2017).
Los costos de la política. Del Centenario al primer peronismo / Financing politics. From the centennial to the first period of Peronism. Edited with Diego Mauro. Buenos Aires: Imago Mundi (2014).
Journal Articles (Recent, peer review)
“El precio de la democratización. El rol de los empresarios azucareros en el financiamiento del Partido Liberal (Tucumán, 1917-1930) / The price of democratization. The role of the sugar businessmen in the Liberal Party funding (Tucumán, 1917-1930)”. Quinto Sol. Revista de Historia (forthcoming, 2020).
“Repensando el proceso de ampliación democrática en el noroeste argentino. Redes partidarias y campañas electorales en el espacio azucarero de Tucumán (1912-1943) / Rethinking the process of democratic broadening in the northwestern region of Argentina. Party networks and electoral campaigns in the sugar communities of Tucumán (1912-1943)”. Ayer. Revista de Historia Contemporánea (forthcoming, 2020).
“Una síntesis imperfecta. La política de integración del peronismo a la Unión Cívica Radical Intransigente (Tucumán, 1957-1962) / An imperfect synthesis. Policies to incorporate Peronism into the Intransigent Radical Civic Union (Tucumán, 1957-1962)”. Historia 51 (1): 55-77.
“El partido como terreno de disputas: la Unión Cívica Radical Intransigente de Tucumán (1957-1962) / The party as a battlefield: the Intransigent Radical Civic Union of Tucumán (1957-1962)”. Andes. Antropología e Historia 29.2: 1-28.